Description: Belmont's school newspaper is on the Internet. It appears that they beat Vanderbilt to it. Unlike many Websites on the net, this paper is stored completely as images so it retains the formatting of the printed version. It's effective, but be forewarned that each graphic is about 40K so
you'll have to wait a few seconds if you are on a modem.
Description: Bobby Payne, The Realty Association, can help you locate property in and around Nashville for almost any real estate need. Bobby is one of the first realtors in Nashville to establish a presence on the WWW!
ALIWEB-Title: Jobsoft Design and Development, Inc.
Description: A Website sponsored by Jobsoft Design and Development, Inc., ISDN-NET, Inc., and Microlink Consulting Group, Inc., this site intends to advertise integrated solutions for LAN, WAN, Consulting, and Training.
Description: This Nashville Band has their own Web Site used to distribute clips of their music. This is Nashville's Rock and Roll alternative music home page. If you can't muster up the energy to click on their Web Site, you might just want to go see their performance at The Mill February 2, 3, 4,
at 10 pm.
Keywords: room101, band, rock, entertainment, nashville, music, business
Description: This is the first middle school to have a Web page. It has pictures of students, teachers, and the school itself as well as information about the school and links to other areas of interest around Nashville.
ALIWEB-Title: Vanderbilt University College Republicans
Description: The Vanderbilt University College Republicans (VUCR) wish to thank you for your interest and support in our organization. We are composed of conservative Vanderbilt students who believe in the principles of the Republican Party and wish to support the GOP by volunteering with Republica
n campaigns and being the vocal conservative voice of the Vanderbilt student body.
ALIWEB-Title: Tennessee Economic Development Center
Description: This page is in place for the purpose of furthering Tennessee involvement in Technology and Commerce. It has a list of companies which are partnering to make it a reality. It has a particularly useful area with current tax listings for all the counties in Tennessee.
Description: This is an excellent resource for looking up books at the public library. If you try this from your Web browser, you need to have a telnet program on your machine to get it to open up properly.
Description: This page appears in its formative stages with only a few links to some popular Tennessee sites. There are a few state-wide Websites here that I hadn't seen before so it's worth a peek.
Description: This has a quick paragraph blurb about the University, links to some fairly random sites and links to other Universities. It also has links to some students, most of which are included in this report.
Description: Another *nice* creation from Doug Brown over at Metro. Do you know any of these guys? Turn them in & get some cash. This is where the Web really excels
ALIWEB-Title: Vanderbilt University Jean and Alexander Heard Library
Description: This site is a stepping stone to the various library resources available through Vanderbilt University. You'll also find a helpful map with the locations of all the libraries.
ALIWEB-Title: Vanderbilt University Computational Science Education Project
Author-Handle: Webmaster@Nashville.Net
Description: This project is a collaboration of several universities. Very interesting to those of you with an engineering/computer background. This page has general information and schedules.
ALIWEB-Title: Vanderbilt University Virgil Project
Description: This site contains lessons from the second year medical students at Vanderbilt University. It contains a growing number of images and information.
ALIWEB-Title: Vanderbilt University Department of Mathematics
Description: This site has general infomation about the Math Department at Vanderbilt University. It also has links to other math web servers around the world.
Description: This web site is maintained by the students at The University School. It has a number of published student research projects on Black Holes, SuperNovas and Quasars. It's cool to see a server with real content. Hopefully, more schools will be able to take this approach soon.
Description: It's wacky, it's weird, and it's BIG. The GIFs could use a tad more compression but they are really pretty. Get a peek at the life and interests of Michael Nott, designer at Hammock Publishing here in Nashville. He's got some links to some of the weirdest places on the net for those of
ALIWEB-Title: Friends of Grassmere Wildlife Park Home Page
Description: A beautifully done web page, its intent is to help save the wildlife park which was recently closed due to budget constraints. The friends of Grassmere wish to solicit your help in restoring the area. Included are photographs of many cute & furry animals.
Description: A self appointed coffee fanatic, Jason's site has links to everything from coffee houses to techno music and the used software exchange. Check out the used software excahnge...this is very cool !! We also noticed a possibly gratuitous link to Nashville.Net....thanks Jason !
Description: CyberVision is offering its services as an Internet Presence Provider for those who seek to establish their business, organization, etc.. on the WWW. Our rates are very reasonable compared to traditional advertising media.
Description: Tended carefully by David Anderson, this site is quickly becoming one of the largest repositories for Quark extensions, plug-ins, and updates. It contains PC and Macintosh software.
Description: Cool, Cool, Cool....Who did the artwork? It's very groovy. This site is an electronic magazine for Christian Music Artists. It is well done. Ever looked at HotWired? This site has good use of graphics and real content. Keep up the good work Cy & Craig.
Description: This is another classy site brought to you by the NetCentral guys. This week, reunion records is featuring Brent Bourgeois. Get aquainted with the man and his music at Reunion Records.
Description: I found this site particularly interesting since Vanderbilt is my alma-mater. The school newspaper is online and it looks like it is being done very well. Each issue is translated by Roderick Montgomery according to the credit below. Keep up the good work. This is yet another site wit
h real content. GOOD JOB !!! The only shortcomings are that the authors of the articles do not have clickable return addresses for feedback. A number of the musical artist reviews could be linked to their respective home pages as well...details, details.
Description: This Vanderbilt Student has a Web page up and an apparent love for Shiner Bock as well as the state in which it is brewed. He makes appropriate use of embedded links in a bit a of text describing his interests. It's a good first attempt.
ALIWEB-Title: Implicate Beauty - Art by Brian Evans
Description: This page, by Vanderbilt Faculty member Brian Evans, is a showcase of computational art created by Brian. It's difficult to explain in a few lines, however, the general idea is that mathematics can be used to generate imagery capable of stirring one's emotions in one way or another. Th
Description: The cassette house has pricing on all the products that you need for audio & video recording. If you're in the recording industry, you might be able to save some money by shopping through these guys online.
Description: Need more than just cassette tapes? How about a keyboard or an effects unit. This site showcases Kurzweil's products. More things for the musician to drool over.
Description: These two Vanderbilt Associate Professors have written articles for Wired Magazine if that'll get your attention. Take a look at their page to see what they have to say about the potential of the Internet in the marketplace.
Description: This local Nashville Singer has many songs available to download. It is very high quality audio and a beautifully developed home page. Check it out.
Description: This er....colorful Web Page has information on Netmark's printing services. From what I can tell, these guys can print on just about anything that you need.
Description: This should be a useful page, and its just in time for this years' festivities. Check out the schedules for everything downtown at this site.
Description: Lust Media Works is a full service digital media company. In addition to traditional audio and video production, they provide custom HTML authoring, and maintain two online sites for music promotion and distribution.
Description: TEC's Issue Action Page will be a place to find out about TEC's events and activities. It will include the most current information about the environmental issues TEC is working on.
Description: This Web Page covers all the details on the charitable Senior Classic Golf Tournament sposored in part by BellSouth. If you're a golfer or just need a good tax deduction, check out this page.
Description: The Nashville Humane Association is an outgrowth of an organization founded in 1887, primarily to protect children from sweat shops and draft horses from mistreatment. This no-profit organization was incorporated in 1946 to protect the well-being of animals in Davidson County. Since th
e completion of the original facility, the Shelter has expanded to accommodate a greater number of animals and to improve its services.
Description: Nashville CityNet is the emerging effort to connect businesses and other organizations in the Nashville area with a high speed computer network.
Description: A page dedicated to pointing children in the right directions on the World-Wide Web. All sites recommended by this page have been viewed by the ultimate Web-site screener: MOM!! (Jurassic Park music in the background, please.) Sites are categorized by topic, including parents' cate
Keywords: gift, ray, stevens, clyde, music, country, comedy, holiday, internet source,music city, ray stevens, golf, shanklin, real audio,music,tennessee,nashville